Casey Anthony production to be done

Posted by Admin Sunday, July 17, 2011 0 comments
Casey Anthony production to be done - Authorities said no special precautions are taken to protect Casey Anthony, who was released with the exception of falling from an undisclosed location where he was released from prison on Sunday, when the threat has been verified, reports CBS News correspondent Karen Brown.

This is despite the deep concern of the expression of attorney Anthony for their safety as a free woman, after more than 1000 days behind bars.

Anthony, freed by the death of his old daughter, Caylee, was released from Orange County, Florida at the prison "population, which is widely believed to be innocent," Brown said.

Being a security issue, how and when Casey says the secret and the release of Brown, a wave of rumors that he will be generated - from plastic surgery to move quickly to Texas.

Rumors custody lawyer Zenaida Gonzalez, who continued to Anthony for defamation. Anthony told police that the woman with the same name kidnapped Caylee. If Anthony leaves, may not be available to file next week.

Casey also has other concerns at this time.

South Carolina held now want to DNA test to make sure it is the father of Caylee, so she demanded extra-judicial killings.

And the sheriff's office he wanted to cover the costs of research, found to have cheated - even if it is the exciting part of this belief.

In an interview to offer a range of up to $ 1 million, and cash donations from fans flowing to bank accounts in prison, Anthony can be calm, Brown said.

Anthony Brown added that the attorney has said he will need therapy when he entered the world after leaving most of his time in prison in isolation.

Wendy Feldman, served 16 months in a camp for federal securities fraud and now a prison consultant, said: "The Early Show Saturday morning," co-anchor Russ Mitchell operated, every inmate in the United States in Similarly, when it was published.

"" This is your linen, clothes to change, "as they call it, and civilians," said Feldman, the founder of Coaching in prison, where he advised people who go to jail, and if Free. "He'll go through the standard form of control to go all the drugs he needed to be ready then."

In general, Feldman said that this is not to take the responsibility of governments to arrest the next goal, "but in this case because it is very unusual ... they have to follow when they are at their destination, be it plane or at home, or your , and will. "

Feldman said he was "likely that they will take longer in the back garage door in unmarked cars, with their lawyers or whatever they collect. This is fairly typical of high profile cases."

Anthony is not the money go?

"Generally, in Florida," Feldman said, "they give you $ 100" money is "How do you in the door, they give you money .. But in this case, was not entitled to the money because they do not" need. "Indeed, You have money in their book is not 100 dollars .. "

Is the prison system offers all kind of support for newly released inmates?

"No," said Feldman. "... If you, like, half-way house in order, their own. But there are all kinds of religious organizations, the organization again, visit prisoners in jail to come, and they had Casey Anthony said he even visited him in prison to visit the band since 2008 will have a registered program. but they are not required. ".

Prison does not give a commitment in this regard, Mr. Mitchell, and Feldman agreed, saying: ". No, if you order it will not have any practice time, so it is not ordered."

Feldman offers a surprising take authority to tell they are a special safety Anthony lost a real threat to him and said: "The prosecution has the obligation of all people outside the prison to protect so if there is a real threat, they are defending. But they can not act like a 24-hours a day their bodyguard. You tend to follow wherever they go. But, as in the OJ (Simpson), when it comes to certain locations allow authorities to law enforcement to protect the other neighboring countries, but not Casey Anthony. "

What would Anthony Feldman on survival after a prison counselor?

"I'll tell him to ask for help, get all kinds of assistance programs to receive mental health experts who happen to have the whole team together, because not only strong, but was in custody for almost three years since, he has re-purpose, and this is indicated by the fact that they are not strengthened, because most people in America .. I would tell her (in) a team of experts and professional assistance. "